Privacy Policy


CW Enerji Mühendislik Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. protects the information that you provide in accordance with the principles of confidentiality and within the framework of the legislation in order to provide you with the services to be provided in a healthier and more efficient manner. This may include anonymous demographic information such as area code, age, gender, preferences, TR Identity Number, address, first name, last name, telephone number, vehicle brand and model, vehicle registration information, interests and preferences, and automatically collected information about your computer/phone hardware and software. This information may also include your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and the website addresses you visit. This information is collected for the purpose of providing the service, is kept confidential and is stored on high technology equipment. By agreeing to this document, you consent to the transfer, collection, storage, use and processing of the information by CW Enerji.

The personal data of our website visitors, employees, employee applicants, trainees, customers, customer applicants, suppliers, supplier applicants, participants of fairs and organisations in which we participate or organise, customers to whom we provide electric vehicle charging services, authorised persons and employees of persons and organisations with whom we have established a business or contractual relationship are processed by our company CW Enerji Mühendislik Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. ("CW Enerji") in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act No. 6698 ("Act") and legal regulations. The procedure for the collection and processing of personal data and the legal rights of the persons concerned are explained below:

1. According to Article 3 of the Law, personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Pursuant to Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, CW Enerji, as the "data controller", will collect, store, update, process, disclose and transfer your personal data to third parties in accordance with the law. In addition, it will take the necessary security measures to protect the data.

2. Your personal data, such as information on your identity, visual records, etc., may be collected orally, in writing or electronically, orally, in writing or electronically, by means of automatic or non-automatic methods, such as e-mail, telephone, website, various contracts, forms and protocols kept on paper, by our company as data controller, through the contact form on our company's website, the information provided to our call centre and our offices, and under the conditions and for the legal reasons set out in articles 5 and 6 of the Law.

3. The personal data collected may be processed by our company for the following purposes, in accordance with the conditions set out in articles 4, 5 and 6 of the Law, in compliance with the law and the rules of honesty, to be accurate and up to date when necessary, for specific, clear and legitimate purposes, in relation to the purpose for which they are processed, in a limited and proportionate manner, for the period provided for by the relevant legislation or necessary for the purpose for which they are processed;

  • To ensure that our activities are carried out in accordance with the relevant legislation and company policy,
  • To provide a better service to our website users and to improve our services,
  • Product/service offerings, all types of information, advertising, promotion, sales and marketing activities,
  • Development work may be carried out by us or our business partners for the preferences of our customers,
  • Preparing and delivering your product orders by our business units and carrying out any other necessary processes,
  • To comply with legal obligations relating to the personal data of our employees,
  • Ensuring the legal and commercial security of persons who have business relationships with our company, our business partners and our affiliates,
  • To carry out the necessary work by our entities for the benefit of the data subjects, depending on the product, service or commercial activity offered by our company;It may be processed for the purposes of determining and implementing the commercial and business strategies of our Company

        4. The personal data collected may be communicated to persons with whom we have a business relationship, our business partners, suppliers, legally authorised institutions and organisations, in accordance with the conditions specified in articles 8 and 9 of the Law. The personal  data of our employees may also be communicated to the subjects, entities and bodies listed in article 6, paragraph 3 of the Code.

      5. Personal information, information that identifies the user, such as name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, is confidential information. CW Enerji accepts and declares that it will take the necessary measures to protect confidential information and personal data and will fulfil its legal obligations in this regard. However, although CW Enerji will take the necessary measures to ensure the security of information, CW Enerji will not be responsible in the event that confidential information or personal data is damaged or seized by third parties as  a result of attacks on the "" website and mobile application.

      6. Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law, the holders of personal data have the right to know whether their personal data are being processed; to request information if their personal data are being processed; to know the purposes for which their personal data are being processed and whether they are being used in  accordance with those purposes; to know the third parties to whom their personal data are being communicated, whether in the country or abroad; to request the rectification of personal data in the event of incomplete or incorrect processing; to request that third parties to whom their personal data are being communicated be notified of the rectification; to request the deletion or destruction of personal data under the conditions provided for by Article 7 of the Law, taking into account the legal deadlines. You have the right to request the cancellation or destruction of your personal data under the conditions provided for by art. 7 of the Law, to request third parties to whom your personal data has been communicated to inform you of this, to oppose the use of your personal data for purposes that are unfavourable to you, to oppose the use of your personal data for purposes that are unfavourable to you, and to request compensation for any damage that you may have suffered as a result of unlawful processing of your personal data.

    7. Owners of personal data can exercise their rights and requests specified in Article 11 of the Law by filling out the "Application Form Regarding Personal Data" on our website and sending a wet signed copy to our company's headquarters at the address "AOSB 1.Kısım Mah. Atatürk Blv. No:20 Döşemealtı/Antalya" by mail or to our registered electronic mail (KEP) address [email protected] or by electronic mail to [email protected], together with the information and documents related to the request, if any. In order for a third party to make a request on behalf of the owner of the personal data, a special power of attorney issued by the owner of the personal data on behalf of the person who will make the request must be available.

    8. Requests duly submitted to our company will be dealt with free of charge within thirty days at the latest, in accordance with article 13 of the Law. If the response to the request requires a separate cost, the fees may be requested according to the tariff established by the Data Protection Agency.



Cookies are information stored on your computer by a website you visit. CW Enerji Mühendislik Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. ("CW Enerji") uses cookies through third party software/applications on our website. Third-party applications are applications of a manufacturer (company or a person) that are different from the manufacturer and / or operating system of the device. Since many third-party applications are created by independent developers or application development companies, third-party applications are also known as "developer applications". Although we do not use any cookies directly as CW Enerji, third-party applications on our website may use cookies.

Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer. Some of them are even automatically deleted after a certain period of time, such as six months. You can prevent all websites from using cookies by switching off the cookie function on your browser. However, if you choose this option, some parts of the websites may not work properly.

You can switch off the cookie functions in accordance with the instructions below by clicking on whichever of the following internet browsers you are using.







Cookies that can be used by third party applications are as follows.

Technical Cookies

(Technical Cookies)

Technical cookies are used to ensure the operation of the Website and to identify pages and areas of the website that are not working.

Authentication Cookies

(Authentication Cookies)

In the event that visitors log in to the Site using their passwords, with such cookies, it is determined that the visitor is a site user on each page visited by the visitor on the Site, and the user is prevented from re-entering the password on each page.

Flash Cookies

(Flash Cookies)

These are the types of cookies used to activate the image or audio content on the site.

Personalisation Cookies

(Customisation Cookies)

Cookies used to remember users' preferences when visiting different pages of different websites. For example, remembering your language preference.

Analytical Cookies

(Analytical Cookies)

Analytical cookies are cookies that enable the production of analytical results such as the number of visitors to the Site, the detection of pages displayed on the Site, Site visit hours, website page scrolling movements.



  • Cookies Used on Other Platforms


Description, Duration and Preferences

  • Analytical Cookies


For Advertising Purposes

It is used to display behavioural and targeted advertisements to visitors. It is possible to accept or reject via browser settings.

Market Analysis

It is used for the purpose of conducting market analyses. It is possible to accept or refuse via browser settings.


It is used to calculate the impact of campaigns. It is possible to accept or reject via the browser settings.


Such cookies enable Facebook members (or non-members) to be tracked for market analysis and product development purposes. It is possible to accept or reject them via the browser settings.


Such cookies are used to track people who are or are not members of social media networks for market analysis and product development purposes. It is possible to accept or reject them through browser settings.

Google Analytics

Such cookies enable the collection of all statistical data, thereby improving the presentation and use of the Site. By adding social statistics and data on interests to these statistics, Google enables us to better understand users. Our website uses Google Analytics cookies. The data collected with these cookies are transferred to Google servers located in the USA and such data are stored in accordance with Google's data protection principles. You can click here to learn more about Google's analytical data processing activities and the principles on the protection of personal data. Control of Cookies

  • Technical Cookies



Session cookies are used to ensure the continuity of the session. It is possible to accept or reject them through the browser settings.

Load Balancing

Load balancing cookies are used to reduce server load by distributing the load. It is possible to accept or reject them via browser settings.


Security cookies are used for security checks. It is possible to accept or reject them through browser settings.

Fraud Detection

It is used for the detection of click fraud. It is possible to accept or reject it via the browser settings.

  • Authentication Cookies


User ID

User ID cookies are used for users to see only their own information.

  • Personalisation Cookies



It saves the language chosen by the user and offers options accordingly. It is possible to accept or reject it through the browser settings.


If the user is visiting the Site from a mobile device, it is used to show the main website. (For example, if the device has Flash enabled or is on a mobile site that does not need Flash) The originating site is saved for a better understanding of the user's preferences. It is possible to accept or reject this via the browser settings.